Acidity Cure

Thursday 20 November 2014

How To Get Relief From Indigestion Fast?

Several risk factors are present for the formation of constipation including gender, age factor, and poor eating habits, lacking physical exercise, medication, poor lifestyle and many more.

Gender (Women):

Constipation Herbal Treatment
1. If you are pregnant, then you are more likely to be constipated because of the pressure of the unborn child on the intestines.

2. In general scenario also, most women undergo constipation because studies suggests that women are about three times more likely to be constipated as compared to men.

Age factor: People of old age either sit on chair whole day or at bed rest most of times due to lack of extra energy. And because of this reason they face the problems like indigestion, gas, constipation, etc.

Poor eating habits: Food rich in high amount of fats are low in dietary fibre. This causes to suffer from constipation almost all the times. In order to avoid low fiber contents in food the following list must be avoided: chocolates, white rice, bananas, grapes, coconuts, refined wheat flour and its products

Lacking physical exercise: Though the reason is unknown, it is still a proven fact that the more you stay fit while exercising, the less you are likely to get trapped victim under indigestion and constipation.

Medication: They play important role in suppressing the healthy bowel movements. Certain medications have the tendency to induce constipation. They include: Additional iron and calcium supplements, antidepressants, antacids or heartburn medication, painkillers especially those which contain codeine, antispasmodics and anticonvulsants (antiepileptic medicines)

Delaying the bowel movements: Regular bowel movements do not interfere with the digestion but delaying of it leads to ongoing sets and even chronic constipation.

Other illness that is directly concerned with constipation includes hemorrhoids, parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, colon cancer and hypothyroidism.

It is always advised to consult a doctor in case there is no obvious reason or cause to get constipated or this problem is keeping on spreading. There are circumstances when the symptoms seem to seek earliest medical help. This includes abdominal pain, vomiting, fatigue, weight loss, blood in the stools, inability to pass gas and previous history of other abdominal illnesses that even may include cancer.

Indigestion is a major problem that common public faces. Seeking medical help for a much long time induces other side effects. To suppress those side effects, some other medicines are prescribed and this chain of consistently taking medicines never stop. The human body is not a machine that needs a certain fuel and then it functions normally. It needs proper care by the means of obvious and nature's herbs that fulfils every need and creates a healthy living.

Arozyme capsule is the safest herbal treatment for acidity that helps you get relief from indigestion fast. The indigestion is the major factor that causes constipation. Indigestion is due to reasons like poor dietary habits, food intolerance to certain food items, lack of fluid intake, medicinal side effects, etc. that ultimately causes chronic constipation. It provides you fast relief from indigestion and constipation very efficiently that occurred due to any of the mentioned reasons. Arozyme strengthens the digestive system. Constipation herbal remedy cure Arozyme capsules can cure any type of digestive disorders, be it indigestion, constipation, or bloating of stomach. It helps in secretion of digestive enzymes ('good' bacteria) and rejuvenates the digestive tract.

Is There Any Herbal Treatment For Chronic Constipation?

Constipation is defined as undergoing less than three bowel movements in a week. Chronic constipation is a condition of highly irregular bowel movements or difficulty in passing stools for several weeks or longer than that.

Though infrequent constipation at times is very common, some people experience it for several weeks or months leading to chronic constipation that interferes with their daily activities. Chronic constipation also causes excessive strain in releasing the bowels.

Chronic Constipation Treatment
Symptoms of chronic constipation:

1. Straining hard in order to have bowel movements

2. Having dry and hard stools

3. Frequency of passing stools is less than 3 in a week

4. Feeling of some kind of blockage in the rectum that prevents bowel movements

5. Feeling as though you can't empty the stool from your rectum completely

6. Needing to empty your rectum manually by pressing hard onto your abdomen with the help of your hands and inserting fingers in anus to try helping your rectum to pass stools.

Complications faced in chronic constipation:

1. Hemorrhoids: Too much straining while passing the stools cause swelling in the veins and around the anus.

2. Anal fissure: A hard stool often causes tiny painful tears in the anus.

3. Fecal impaction: Chronic constipation may cause the hardened stool get stuck in the intestines.

Formation of hard stools is due to indigestion or troubles in passing out waste via colon. Chronic constipation treatment is done by Arozyme capsules which controls any type of digestive disorders including bloated stomach, acidity, flatulence, etc. Delay in passing out stools causes formation of toxins that slows down the digestion even further causing dried stools. Arozyme capsule helps in preventing those toxins to form. Arozyme capsule also maintains the regular appetite by building a proper and regular hunger plan in order to solve the problem of hard stool formation.

There are several factors that cause chronic constipation. People who are engaged in jobs that require constant sitting at one place whole day often face slow metabolism causing hard stools. Arozyme constipation herbal remedy cure maintains the healthy metabolism in such individuals also. People who have intolerance in various foods also suffer with constipation and formation of hard stools and this factor is easily treated by Arozyme capsules. People who are addicted to alcohol or tobacco do suffer from indigestion and constipation quite much which is cured very effectively by this capsule. Certain medication like antidepressants and diuretics has the ill-effects of formation of hard stools. This can be easily eliminated by Arozyme herbal treatment for constipation. This pure, natural and herbal treatment for chronic constipation does not contain any ill-effects and does not encounter with any of the other treatment or medication.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Home Remedies For Constipation To Cure The Problem Immediately

Constipation is the most common problem that occurs when the stools move too much in slow motion throughout the digestive tract. This causes it to become dry and hard. Chronic constipation is a condition when the patient suffers from constipation for more than a month.

Risk factors:

Herbal Treatment For Constipation
1. Blockage in the colon or rectum may slow down or even stop the stools that need to be excreted out. This causes further problems such as anal fissure, colon cancer, bowel obstruction, rectal cancer, etc.

2. Pelvic muscles that are involved in bowel movements are likely to cause chronic constipation. This includes weakened pelvic muscles; pelvic muscles not able to relax in order to perform bowel movements, pelvic muscles don't relax and contract in the proper order.

3. Hormones balance the fluids in human body. Imbalance of hormones may lead to constipation. There are several factors that causes hormonal imbalance including diabetes, pregnancy, underactive thyroid glands (hypothyroidism), overactive parathyroid glands (hyperparathyroidism), etc.

4. Constipation may lead to chronic constipation. There are several factors that increase the risk of chronic constipation. These include eating low fiber diet, dehydration, little or no physical work, being an older person, certain medications that produce side effects of constipation (narcotics or certain medications to lower blood pressure), being a woman that is three times more likely to be constipated.

Prevention of constipation mostly recommended:

1. Limit the low fiber foods such as milk and its products, meat, and refined foods.

2. Increase high fiber foods such as raw fresh fruits and vegetables, oats, all bran cereal, beans and berries (fresh or frozen). It is ideal to consume daily fiber intake of about 20 to 35 gm.

3. Exercising for about half hour daily would surely benefit. The exercise typically includes walking, swimming, or cycling.

4. Never delay the urge to pass the stools as the longer you wait, the harder it becomes.

5. Drink about 3 liters of fluids each day. Other than water there are options of fresh citrus fruit juices. But try for water as much as you can.

6. Alcohol and caffeinated drinks or beverages cause dehydration. You need to limit them as much as possible.

It would be best if the problem of constipation is solved at home itself. There is a most trusted solution for that. Arozyme capsules for constipation herbal remedy cure is consist of very strong and natural herbs such as sonth, ajwain, hing, haritaki, etc that help in softening the stools. These ingredients improve colon functioning and complete the defecation of wastes. Slow movement of waste matter through the colon is the major cause of indigestion leading to constipation. Arozyme improves the digestive system and promotes soft stools formation for proper excretion, hence proving to be the immediate remedies for constipation. It also cures hyper acidity.This immediate home remedies for constipation is completely safe and suitable for people of any age.